The NeedleBar

Bobbin Winder Types

New White Peerless

Courtesy of Claire Sherwell


Take hold of bobbin winder and turn it to position, that is so that the rubber pulley comes in contact with the wheel; slip th clutch out of the wheel so that the wheel will revolve without running the machine; place bobbin in winder, and spool of thread on spool standard, pinch the end of thread between the right hand end of bobbin and winder, and with left hand pass thread up back, and over small grooved pulley on the curved shaft at top of winder, and down through slotted hole at bottom of frame in front of bobbin winder; raise spring pad to rest against bobbin; now proceed to wind by turning wheel as if sewing, and the bobbin will wind itself automatically as smooth as a spool of silk.

Should the thread change direction at any time when filling the bobbin, pay no attention to it, except to see that the curved shaft is free from dirt or thickened oil, and in the next layer it will regulate itself all right.

Do not use poor thread. You must not expect to make a nice smooth stitch with cheap uneven thread.

© Alan Quinn 2000
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